About us

Our secret haven turned into a destination

We found & fell in love with our property during a family visit to Arild. The house, now vineyard is one of the oldest in the region and has a rich history.

We turned our secret haven to a full fledged vineyard that is beautifully located on the south facing hillsides of Kullaberg. The area is known for culture & craftsmanship and now Swedish wine.

Before becoming full-time winemakers we were entrepreneurs for many years. The vineyard was a welcome change and has become something that the whole family is involved in. We are proud to be a part of something that is appreciated by the local community as well as tourists.

Welcome to the south facing hillsides of Kullaberg and Arilds Vineyard (Vingård).

Familjefoto från Arilds Vingård

We have recieved support from EU when building our new cellar for sparkling wine

Opening hours

The restaurant


every day i august 17-21

september wednesday- saturday 17-21

october fri and saturday 17-21 until 12/10

Table reservations: info@arildsvingard.se
For smaller parties (under 8 persons) no booking is usually needed only drop in.

The hotel

The hotel is open until 13th of october  2024

If you have a room booked we have a table for you in the restaurant if you would like to eat something.

For larger parties, we can open up dates that are not up for bookings of season

The glamping

The glamping season opens 1/5 2024